Global LLP Initiative (GLI) Communiqué on Approaches to Reduce Asynchronous Authorizations in Food and Feed Derived From Recombinant DNA (rDNA) PlantsFootnote 1

  1. The objective of this communiqué is to offer a broad range of potential approaches for governments, technology developers and other stakeholders to consider to minimize occurrences of asynchronous authorizations of food and feed derived from recombinant DNA (rDNA) plants.
  2. The number and complexity of rDNA plants being developed, cultivated, and traded worldwide is increasing annually. However, the timing of authorizations differs across countries.
  3. For the purposes of this communiqué, an asynchronous authorization is a situation where there is a regulatory authorization of a rDNA plant intended for food and feed use in the country of origin and no corresponding authorization in a country of import.
  4. Asynchronous authorizations can delay commercialization of new rDNA plants as well as create the potential for trade disruptions arising from the low-level presence (LLP) of unauthorized rDNA plants in food and feed shipments.Footnote 2
  5. We re-affirm our position that reducing asynchronous authorizations is the most effective way of reducing trade disruptions due to LLPFootnote 2, and further note that the need for practical approaches for managing LLP incidents will persist as long as situations of asynchronous authorizations exist.
  6. GLI member countries are committed to exploring practical approaches to reduce asynchrony in authorizations in the context of food and feed safety, recognizing that due to national laws, not all approaches to reducing asynchronous authorizations may be feasible or applicable for an individual country.
  7. Asynchronous authorizations result predominantly from differences between countries in regulatory and legal requirements for the assessment and authorization of rDNA plants for food and feed.
  8. The approaches belowFootnote 3 may be considered by governments, technology developers, and other stakeholders as practical means to help reduce occurrences of asynchronous authorizations, recognizing that individual countries need to devise measures consistent with their domestic legal requirements, and acknowledging that regulatory approaches to rDNA plants should provide transparent and predictable timeframes for decision making, be science-based, be no more trade restrictive than necessary to fulfill legitimate objectives, and be consistent with relevant international obligations.

Potential approaches for reducing asynchronous authorizations

National Governments:

Governmental Bilateral and Regional Efforts:

Governmental Efforts in International/Multilateral Fora:

Governments and Technology Developers:

Technology Developers:

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